You know where your poles are, you know how many you have, and you know where you are running service to, but do you know who’s along for the ride?
We’ll give you the answer by providing reports full of the information you want to know, negotiate the inventory payment with your attachers, and provide you with the necessary data to send them invoices at the completion of the inventory.
Whether the third party forgot to notify you that they were attaching to your pole(s) or there was a recording error in the current record, we’ll get the matter sorted out.
We construct our service proposal based on your expressed needs and the goals of your audit. Our priority is your satisfaction. The pole owner and data management services we provide can be combined in any manner to suit your needs. From consulting to full-service asset/inventory management, we’re here to serve you. If you don’t see exactly what you are looking for, give us a call or send us an RFQ.
You know where your poles are, you know how many you have, and you know where you are running service to, but do you know who’s along for the ride?
We’ll give you the answer by providing reports full of the information you want to know, negotiate the inventory payment with your attachers, and provide you with the necessary data to send them invoices at the completion of the inventory.
Whether the third party forgot to notify you that they were attaching to your pole(s) or there was a recording error in the current record, we’ll get the matter sorted out.
We construct our service proposal based on your expressed needs and the goals of your audit. Our priority is your satisfaction. The pole owner and data management services we provide can be combined in any manner to suit your needs. From consulting to full-service asset/inventory management, we’re here to serve you. If you don’t see exactly what you are looking for, give us a call or send us an RFQ.

GPS Mapping
Poles are constantly on the move as a result of road widenings, storms, or accidents. We can collect sub-meter or recreational-grade coordinates to help keep your mapping information up to date. Perhaps you need your entire territory mapped. That’s not a problem because we have the resources to make it happen.

Storm Patrol, Scouting, Crew Leading
When Nature flexes her muscle, poles and wires bow down in submission. Our team can deploy safely and quickly to evaluate the situation and help you and your teams restore service to your customers.

Guest System Discovery and Boundary Documentation
With all the carriers in the field trying to meet the demand of all the users, pole owners are faced with a growing number of participants competing for space on their poles. Who keeps up with all those wired and wireless attachments? Are you sure that nothing has fallen through the cracks?
VentureSum is able to survey your entire territory and document every wire and every company that has attached to your poles. Further, we are able to provide spatial data showing each company’s service territory, fiber routes, and DAS locations in a layered format.

Joint-Use Pole Inventories
Which pole belongs to you and which pole belongs to someone else, and how do you appropriately charge for others using your pole?

Guest Attachment Inventories
Know who is along for the ride (and might need a bill for it).

System Search for Unauthorized Attachments by Contracted and/or Non-Contracted Pole Users
Do you need to know who is attached to your pole without notice or who attached to your pole even after they were denied permission?

National Electrical Safety Compliance
Ensure that your poles are up to the latest safety standards and contact third parties that need to adjust their attachments to be in compliance with the NESC.
Included with our Pole Inventory Services is our Turnkey Pole Attachment Data Management Service. We know that combing through the data takes time that you often don’t have, so we do the work of generating the reports you need. Our integrated service includes:
Included with our Pole Inventory Services is our Turnkey Pole Attachment Data Management Service. We know that combing through the data takes time that you often don’t have, so we do the work of generating the reports you need. Our integrated service includes:

ILEC / CLEC / Telecom / CATV System Discovery
We determine which systems are attached to your poles: electric, cable, phone, internet, etc.

Inventory Negotiation with Attachees
We work with the companies that are attached to your poles to determine the total rent they owe you as an attachee.

Actual Field Inventory to Create Records of Each Pole Attachment Location
We generate an accurate account of every pole, as well as the location of every attachment on that pole, to assist you with keeping your records up to date and mitigating any safety issues.

Detailed Reports and Summary Analysis of Each Attaching Entity
We provide you with all of the data we have collected into reports that are easy to decipher and incorporate within your company.

Presentation of Inventory Results to Pole Owners and Attachees
All of the data we collect is simplified into metrics that you need to know at the end of the project. The relevant data is provided to each of your attachees, so there are no surprises when they receive an invoice or a request to move an attachment.